Friday 2 November 2012

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

I love Jane Eyre because the first time I read it (quite a few years ago) I hadn't been exposed to the storyline at all.  Stop reading now if are one of the few people left who doesn't know what happens. So when I got to the point where Jane's wedding to Mr Rochester is interrupted, I was completely surprised.  I know that the story has become part of popular culture and been referenced many times (Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier and The Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys are two examples) so it is quite unusual, but absolutely delightful to be taken by surprise like that.  It was as if someone living in 1847 (way before Good Reads and Amazon Recommends) came upon the book by chance.  It would be attributed to Currer Bell, but their reaction would be the same as mine.

Please note that Wikipedia articles may contain spoilers.


  1. Love this blog. Short and sweet posts about my favourite topic:) Am following...write more! Isabel Austin (from the getsmarter course)
